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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Race Weekend!!

Thanks to Loyd Autin for the Pics

Well as most of you all know the world of Racing has its eye's focused on Bristol this weekend.

This is when our little town Combined (Virginia and Tennessee) has a normal population of 45,000 grows to a population of around 200,000. We don't feel much of the impact on the Virginia side but we do experience the traffic! Now the area around the speedway that is a different story.....This weekend the Staff of Bristol Tn Fire Department earns there money.

Lets make a little example:

Roanoke Virginia Fire has 14 stations for a population of around 100,000!

So using that example for a population of 200,000 you could estimate 20 stations or so.

Bristol Virginia and Bristol Tennessee = 7 stations!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now the Speedway is located in Tennessee station #4's First due and the majority of our "guests" for the weekend are in Station 4's area!!!

4's first due has a population of 160,000 this weekend!!!!!

Good luck guys and ladies the weekend is all but over!!!!

The good news is I don't think race fans drink much, do they?

Anyway here is a couple of pictures of a job Friday Night

MVA with ejection on Scene Quint 5 , Engine 53, BMS EMS unit, Sullivan County EMS.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

way to go!!

30 March, 2007  

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