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Monday, December 04, 2006

Long Week

Thanks for all the comments on the past few post I think everyone has enjoyed them!! I know that I have.

And hello to our Brother from the north......Bickers it is good to hear from you! Keep us informed of you and feel free to email me a pick of you and your family and we will post it!!
Keep in touch!

Well this should be a fun week to be at work! Who are we going to hire, The Captains Test ETC....

Captain Findley has retired and once again good luck Capt. on your Retirement

Also for all of us "College Boys" this is Finals week. We have two finals this week and one next week.

If anyone has pics of Fin's party today email them to me at Sroark@firehousemail.com and I will post them!

Lets have a good week!


Blogger FireFleitz said...


It is great to see you guys pick up on this Blog idea. It has been a lot of fun for me to chronicle Roanoke's happenings so that everyone can stay in touch. It is also great to see all the positive comments on the site. The comments that we see range from positive to not so positive. But any communication is always good. The ability to be anonymous requires responsibility for the commentors. I feel it is best to realize that the firefighters of Bristol aren't going to be the only ones reading this. The comments will reflect the thoughts and feelings of the firefighters and will be read by City Officials, citizens and others. Good luck with the website and be sure to keep a positive outlook.

Your Brothers in Roanoke always check in to see what is going on down there.

Be sure and let us know if there is anything we can do for you guys.

Stay safe.

Rhett Fleitz

04 December, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


09 December, 2006  

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